Ways You Can Help!


What do we do?  Our motto is "We Serve" - we serve those in need in our community, and through the Lions Clubs International Foundation we help those in crisis situations around the world.

What do we get out of it?  A sense of achievement from helping others; but also and importantly, we have fun doing what we do, and we meet new people and make new friends through the Club.

As well as the many Lions community events, and events put on by others which we support, we have many social activities for Club members.

Would you like to get involved, but not commit to joining?  No problem!  We have as many volunteers as members: people who help when and where they can without being full members - and they also get involved in our socials!

If you're interested in joining, or helping, call us o0345 8339506, or email us on [email protected].

We meet on the first Monday of every month at 7:30pm at the Dorset Arms, to discuss Club business and to socialise: if you'd like to come to meet us, reach out by phone or email and we'll be very pleased to invite you to our meeting.


Updated 24/08/24